So In So Certified, our in-person training

Invest in your business, grow with us.

So In So Certified, Our Delux Training Package: $350.00

  • Our Original So In Beaded Weft Method (SIM) is for installing hand-tied hair extensions. This is the original method that we have been using for a few years. This method uses no tape or glue and is one of the safest methods to use on clients.

  • Our So In So Hidden Method (SIHM) is for installing hand-tied hair extensions. This method disguises ALL beads and makes them basically invisible. This method is perfect for clients who wear their hair up a lot.

  • You will learn four types of placements, two for just adding thickness, one for adding thickness and length for a client with thin-medium thickness, and one for thickness and length for clients who have medium to thick hair.

  • 2 different bead foundations, the first one will be our original So In Bead Foundation which is for medium to thick hair and our second one will be our So In fine hair bead foundation using thread.

  • Blending is used to help disguise the natural hair into the extensions. Blending extensions can make or break the service.

  • Our Pricing tips will guide you to charging the right amount behind the chair. Adding extension services can boost your revenue by $20,000 or more a year.

  • Our Extension Tool Kits, beads, thread, and more are included!

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